"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."
- Thomas Jefferson
Great Job last week!
WOD #1
7min AMRAP
7 Deadlift
7 Push Press
(score is total rep's)
AB 77
AJ 95
AM 84
CL 89
DB 84
EK 94
JD 77
JH 56
JL 77
MB 84
YJ 80
WOD #2
5 Rounds for Time;
5 Squat Clean
250m Row
AB 10.22
AJ 10.26
AL 11.50
CL 9.33
DB 10.15
GB 10.35
JD 9.56
JH 12.41
MB 10.29
YJ 10.26
- Thomas Jefferson
Great Job last week!
WOD #1
7min AMRAP
7 Deadlift
7 Push Press
(score is total rep's)
AB 77
AJ 95
AM 84
CL 89
DB 84
EK 94
JD 77
JH 56
JL 77
MB 84
YJ 80
WOD #2
5 Rounds for Time;
5 Squat Clean
250m Row
AB 10.22
AJ 10.26
AL 11.50
CL 9.33
DB 10.15
GB 10.35
JD 9.56
JH 12.41
MB 10.29
YJ 10.26