Friday, March 26, 2010


You guys did a great job with CrossFit Fran last week!

AJ 9.44
DB 13.49
EK 7.18
ID 9.28
JD 11.29
JH 15.32
KM 12.10

Oliver says; There's nothing sweeter than looking better than your friends!

(there are only 66 days until Memorial Day weekend)

This week's workout is CrossFit Cindy 15

As many rounds as possible in 15 min of;

5 Pull Ups -10 Push Ups-15 Squats

3, 2, 1... GO!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Thrust and Pull!

Great job by everyone who completed last weeks's workout!

3 Rounds for Time

10 Stair run
15 Box jump
20 KB swing 16/12k

Here are the results;

AJ 8.03
ID 8.13
WD 9.09
AM 9.18
KL 9.18
DB 11.10
EK 11.32
JD 12.13
JH 13.30

Get ready for this week's workout CrossFit Fran

21, 15, 9 Reps of;

Thrusters 95/65lbs
Pull Ups

What is your PR for Fran?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dead Lift

A bit less than perfect, 340 x 3 (200% body weight)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Run, Jump, Swing...

Get ready for this week's Workout...
3 Rounds for time;

10 Stair runs
15 Box Jump #3
20 KB Swing 16/12k

3, 2, 1.... Go!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

At long last...

It's been too long since my last post... i've got excuses, but none worth writing about.

In between your sessions I keep busy...
6 sets of 4 at 295lbs...