Sunday, August 28, 2011

AJ and CL Crush WOD #2

"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
- Kenji Miyazawa

WOD #1
5 Rounds for Time;
5 Thruster 110/75lbs
10 Pull-ups
400m Run

EK 18.45 As Rx
AG 18.56 75lbs
AL 19.08 45lbs
DB 20.58 65lbs
ED 21.23 85lbs
GB 20.43 30lbs
JD 20.26 65lbs
JH 14.55 65lbs (3 rounds)

WOD #2
5 Rounds for Time;
400m Run
25 Ab Mat Sit-up
25 "Jump Air Squat"

AJ 16.37
AG 18.15
CL 19.27
DB 22.21
JL 24.44

5 Rounds for Time;
400m Run
10 Burpees
5 Front Squat

AG 18.15
ED 18.40

Sunday, August 21, 2011

"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right, you'll probably never do much of anything."
- Win Borden

Last Week's results;

WOD #1
20 or 25 min Time cap;

Run 1 mile
7 Rounds of
7 Deadlift 245/195lbs
14 Box Jump 24/20"

In the remaining time get as many Wall Ball 20/10lbs as you can...

AG 20.00 110lbs 24" 15 Wall Ball
AJ 21.12 155lbs 24" 0 Wall Ball
AL 20.00 155lbs 24" 0 Wall Ball
ED 25.00 135lbs 24" 5 Wall Ball
JD 22.18 110lbs 24" 5 Wall Ball

WOD #2
CrossFit "Annie"
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Double-under Jump Rope
Ab Mat Sit-ups

AJ 10.01
JG 11.21

WOD #3
3 Rounds fot Time;
10 Front Squat 135/95lbs
12 Ring Dip
40 Double-under

AG 10.14 75lbs
AL 10.41 65lbs
DB 10.28 85lbs

* Two PR's (personal record) this week;

EK 265lbs Bench Press
ED 135lbs OH Press

Keith's Deadlift

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Workout to Remember...

At 9am on Saturday, September 3 our friends at CrossFit 914 (West Main St, Elmsford,NY) will host the “31 Heros” WOD to honor the troops killed when their military helicopter was shot down in eastern Afghanistan.

On August 6th, 2011, 31 of America’s bravest warriors gave their lives in defense of our freedom. While we’d like to leave the responsibility of announcing their names to their families & the DoD, for now we will honor them by mentioning their roles in our military. They were 17 Navy SEALs, two Navy EOD Technicians, three Naval Special Warfare Combat Support Sailors, two Army Aviators, three Army Aircrewmen, three Air Force Special Tactics Operators, and one Military Working Dog.

These men were sons, brothers, husbands, fathers, and friends. Not only do we thank them for their service and sacrifice, but we thank those that love them for the sacrifice they have made as well.

“Hero WODs are one small way the CrossFit Community bands together to honor the courageous sacrifice made by our military men and women,” said Coach Jim. “We encourage our athletes to encourage their friends, family members and co-workers — regardless of their current fitness level — to join us for this special workout.”The “31Heroes” workout has not been released, but organizers promise that it will uniquely serve as a fitting “moment of silence” — CrossFit-style — to honor the fallen troops.

100% of proceeds will go to families immediately affected through the Navy SEAL Foundation, other like-organizations, & individual family funds.

Register for the WOD and a T-shirt or just donate to the cause.

Please let me know if you would like to join us... Keith and I are already registered and will drive up to the gym on Saturday morning (it's about 20 min north of the City in Westchester Co.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Journey into CrossFit

Please follow this link...
I found it to be very inspirational!

Courtesy of CrossFit Park City

Sunday, August 14, 2011

KM and EK Rock WOD #1

"Every man is free to rise as far as he's able or willing, but the degree to which he thinks determines the degree to which he'll rise"
-Ayn Rand

Last week's Results;

WOD #1
1/2 Mile Run
15 Squat Clean
1/4 Mile Run
15 Squat Clean
1/2 Mile Run

AB 17.00 65lbs
AJ 13.34 88lbs
AL 15.47 45lbs
BS 12.57 65lbs
DB 15.08 45lbs
EK 15.22 88lbs
JD 15.59 65lbs
KM 15.47 35lbs

WOD #2
5 Rounds for Time;
250m Row
25 HR Push-ups

AB 15.01
JG 15.43
JL 15.01

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday at CrossFit 914

"There is nothing to be gained by waiting for a better situation. You see where you are and you do what you can with that."
- Jacob K. Javits

Last week's results;

WOD #1
3 Rounds for Time;
20 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Front Squat 135/95lbs
20 Box Jump 24/20"

AB 13.19 65/12"
AJ 17.29 88/24"
AL 25.52 65/Row
BS 12.31 45/12"
CL 20.23 75/24"
DB 32.04 88/24"
EK 22.27 88/24"
JG 21.42 65/24"
JH 18.50 45/20"
JL 20.26 65/18"

WOD #2
3 Rounds for Time;
6 Deadlift 225/185lbs
12 Wall Ball 20/10lbs
24 Pull-ups

AB 8.25 178/14/Jump
JD 9.19 130/20/Jump
JH 14.01 118/10/Jump

Monday, August 1, 2011

AJ and CL smashing WOD #3

"To think is easy. To act is difficult. To act as one thinks is the most difficult of all."
- Johann von Goethe

Last week's results;

15min AMRAP
10 Burpee's
15 DB Squat Clean 45/25lbs
20 Wall Ball 20/14lbs

AB 147 Reps
AJ 172
AL 160
BS 170
CL 173
DB 135
DB 121
ED 135
JH 100
JL 135
YJ 135

WOD #2
3 Rounds For Time;
10 Back Squat 185/130lbs
15 Knees to Elbows
20 KB Swing 24/16k

AB 8.16
AJ 9.16
AL 10.52
CL 10.19
DB 10.17
JG 10.40
JH 11.20
JL 11.02
YJ 9.20

WOD #3
"Capital Mkt's V. Equity"
10 Push Press
20 Wall Ball
30 Knees to Elbows
40 Power Clean
50 Burpee's

AJ 14.15
CL 15.46