Sunday, June 28, 2009

This Week's Workout -

3 Rounds for Time:
500m Row
30 Kettlebell Swings 16/12 k
10 Stair Run

"Courage is the greatest of all the virtues. Because if you haven't courage, you may not have an opportunity to use any of the others." - Samuel Johnson

Congratulations to everyone who completed last week's workout -

5 Rounds for Time:
20 Walking Lunges 50/20 lbs
15 Wall Ball Shots 12/8 lbs
10 BB Overhead Press 75/45 lbs

"Courage is never letting your actions be influenced by your fears."- Arthur Koestler

KL 9.59
AM 13.29
TE 12.08
AJ 13.05
CH 14.12
NL 14.14
KM 14.55
GR 14.55

Are Expensive Running Shoes Worth it?

La Cense Burger Truck Hits Midtown

What Your Body is Telling You