Sunday, September 11, 2011

"You learn you can do your best even when it's hard, even when you're tired and maybe hurting a little bit. It feels good to show some courage." - Joe Namath

Great job last week!

WOD #1
20min AMRAP
10 Push Press 135/95lbs
15 Box Jump 24/20"
200yd Sprint

AB 7 rounds 75lbs
AJ 8+ rounds 65lbs
CL 7+ rounds 88lbs
ED 4+ rounds 88lbs
KM 7 rounds 45lbs

WOD #2
CrossFit Helen
3 rounds for Time:
400m Run
21 KB Swing 24/16k
12 Pull-ups

AJ 11.08  As Rx

AB 13.44
AG 15.45
JH 13.52
KM 13.58

WOD #3
CrossFit Hero Bull
2 rounds for Time;
200 Double Under
50 OH Squat 135/95lbs
50 Pull-ups
1 mile Run

AJ 27.06 1 round
CL 25.24 1 round