Sunday, February 27, 2011
We Survived Eva!
Two really tough WOD's last week, Which was more challenging for you?
Buy-in Back Squat 3 x 5
15min AMRAP
15 C2B Pull-ups
30 sec L Sit Ring Hold
AB 10 rounds - 95lbs Back Squat
AJ 5+ rounds - 175lbs
AL 5+ rounds - 135lbs
DB 6+ rounds - 105lbs
EK 6+ rounds - 145lbs
JD 6+ rounds - 95lbs
JH 4 rounds - 95lbs
KM 7+ rounds - 65lbs
MK 6 rounds - 165lbs
Buy-in Max DoubleUnder's in 3 min
CrossFit Eva
5 Rounds for Time;
800m Run
30 KB Swings 32/24k
30 Pull-ups
AJ 34.10 4 rounds 16k
AL 36.34 4 rounds 16k
DB 41.00 4 rounds 16k
JD 17.32 2 rounds 16k
JH 38.19 4 rounds 16k
MK 55.00 5 rounds 24k
This week's WOD's are;
Buy-in 3 x 5 Deadlift
5 Rounds of;
50' OH Barbell Lunge 45/25lbs
21 Burpee's
Buy-in 3 x 3 Power Clean
1000m Row
50 Push Press 75/45lbs
750m Row
35 Push Press
500m Row
20 Push Press
3, 2, 1... GO!
Two really tough WOD's last week, Which was more challenging for you?
Buy-in Back Squat 3 x 5
15min AMRAP
15 C2B Pull-ups
30 sec L Sit Ring Hold
AB 10 rounds - 95lbs Back Squat
AJ 5+ rounds - 175lbs
AL 5+ rounds - 135lbs
DB 6+ rounds - 105lbs
EK 6+ rounds - 145lbs
JD 6+ rounds - 95lbs
JH 4 rounds - 95lbs
KM 7+ rounds - 65lbs
MK 6 rounds - 165lbs
Buy-in Max DoubleUnder's in 3 min
CrossFit Eva
5 Rounds for Time;
800m Run
30 KB Swings 32/24k
30 Pull-ups
AJ 34.10 4 rounds 16k
AL 36.34 4 rounds 16k
DB 41.00 4 rounds 16k
JD 17.32 2 rounds 16k
JH 38.19 4 rounds 16k
MK 55.00 5 rounds 24k
This week's WOD's are;
Buy-in 3 x 5 Deadlift
5 Rounds of;
50' OH Barbell Lunge 45/25lbs
21 Burpee's
Buy-in 3 x 3 Power Clean
1000m Row
50 Push Press 75/45lbs
750m Row
35 Push Press
500m Row
20 Push Press
3, 2, 1... GO!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Great Job Gang!
Be sure to check out the Poll at the bottom of the page...
Buy in; 25 Burpee Pull-ups
4 Rounds for Time
20 Deadlift 225/155lbs
20 Wall Ball 20/10lbs
AJ 11.12 (164/20)
AL 17.18 (145/10)
DB 14.55 (88/10)
EK 13.25 (160/20)
JD 15.57 (128/20)
JG 14.06 (108/20)
JH 13.39 (85/10)
KM 15.03 (88/10)
MK 16.00 (180/20)
Buy in; 3 sets of 5 OHP
20 Min AMRAP
10 Toes Thru Rings
15 Med Ball Clean 20/10lbs
AJ 7+ rounds + OHP 85lbs
AL 8 rounds + OHP 65lbs
DB 8+ rounds
DB 5 rounds + OHP 88lbs
JG 7 rounds + OHP 85lbs
JH 6 rounds + OHP 55lbs
KM 3 rounds (10 min)+ OHP 45lbs
MK 5+ rounds + OHP 115lbs
YJ 6 rounds + OHP 30lbs
This Week's WOD's are;
Buy-in Back Squat 3 x 5
15min AMRAP
15 C2B Pull-ups
30 sec L Sit Ring Hold
Buy-in Max DoubleUnder's in 3 min
CrossFit Eva
5 Rounds for Time;
800m Run
30 KB Swings 32/24k
30 Pull-ups
Be sure to check out the Poll at the bottom of the page...
Buy in; 25 Burpee Pull-ups
4 Rounds for Time
20 Deadlift 225/155lbs
20 Wall Ball 20/10lbs
AJ 11.12 (164/20)
AL 17.18 (145/10)
DB 14.55 (88/10)
EK 13.25 (160/20)
JD 15.57 (128/20)
JG 14.06 (108/20)
JH 13.39 (85/10)
KM 15.03 (88/10)
MK 16.00 (180/20)
Buy in; 3 sets of 5 OHP
20 Min AMRAP
10 Toes Thru Rings
15 Med Ball Clean 20/10lbs
AJ 7+ rounds + OHP 85lbs
AL 8 rounds + OHP 65lbs
DB 8+ rounds
DB 5 rounds + OHP 88lbs
JG 7 rounds + OHP 85lbs
JH 6 rounds + OHP 55lbs
KM 3 rounds (10 min)+ OHP 45lbs
MK 5+ rounds + OHP 115lbs
YJ 6 rounds + OHP 30lbs
This Week's WOD's are;
Buy-in Back Squat 3 x 5
15min AMRAP
15 C2B Pull-ups
30 sec L Sit Ring Hold
Buy-in Max DoubleUnder's in 3 min
CrossFit Eva
5 Rounds for Time;
800m Run
30 KB Swings 32/24k
30 Pull-ups
(compare to 07/25/10)
3, 2, 1... GO!
Poll #1
What is your Least favorite CrossFit skill and Why?
Post to Comments
3, 2, 1... GO!
Poll #1
What is your Least favorite CrossFit skill and Why?
Post to Comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
This week we worked on two really tough WOD's,
How did you feel about your performance?
Buy in; 3 sets of 8 Ring Dips
21 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
18 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
15 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
12 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
Our Results;
AL 17.11 (180/160)
AJ 11.40 (160)
JD 16.04 (130)
JG 12.00 (88)
JH 16.52 (108)
MM 16.38 (88)
YJ 15.06 (65)
Buy in; 3 sets of 20 Knee's to Elbows
5 Rounds for Time
5 Power Clean 135/75lbs
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 KB Swings 24/16k
AF 14.25
AJ 12.02
AL 10.27
BM 13.36
JG 13.42
MK 16.08
YJ 11.02
This Week's WOD's;
Buy in; 3 sets of 8 Ring Dips
21 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
18 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
15 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
12 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
Our Results;
AL 17.11 (180/160)
AJ 11.40 (160)
JD 16.04 (130)
JG 12.00 (88)
JH 16.52 (108)
MM 16.38 (88)
YJ 15.06 (65)
Buy in; 3 sets of 20 Knee's to Elbows
5 Rounds for Time
5 Power Clean 135/75lbs
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 KB Swings 24/16k
AF 14.25
AJ 12.02
AL 10.27
BM 13.36
JG 13.42
MK 16.08
YJ 11.02
This Week's WOD's;
Buy in; 25 Burpee Pull-ups
4 Rounds for Time
20 Deadlift 225/155lbs
20 Wall Ball 20/10lbs
Buy in; 3 sets of 5 OHP
20 Min AMRAP
10 Toes Thru Rings
15 Med Ball Clean 20/10lbs
We're six weeks into the New Year, are you adhering to your resolutions?
3, 2, 1... GO!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Top 10 Weight Loss Mistakes
1. Drinking Diet Soda
Diet soda is on the top of many dieters’ shopping list. However, diet soda actually can make you gain weight. The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners actually causes an insulin response in your body. Insulin is released into the blood (which is like sandpaper to your arteries, causing inflammation and disease). Meanwhile, your cells do not get any glucose as they thought. When this happens, they start screaming , “hey, where’s that glucose that I was promised”. This causes appetite stimulation and you eat more. On top of this, you have caffeine which dehydrates you. Dehydration can make you feel hungry. Caffeine also sends out a cortisol response in your body, which is more stress on your liver and causes weight gain. Phosphoric acid in soft drinks cause that tangy flavor, but also binds with calcium and can lead to decreased bone density. Your best beverage choice is water. If you like bubbles in your water, try Apollinaris or Gerolsteiner for natural minerals. They are not the most environmental choice since they’re imported, but I love the taste on special occasions.
2. Not drinking enough water.
Most Americans are dehydrated. Water helps us transport nutrients, improves cell to cell communication, lubricated the joints and empowers our healing process. Being dehydrated can actually cause you to gain weight. Water helps us to maintain a healthy weight by suppressing our appetite, reducing our body’s level of sodium and helping us to maintain muscle tone. Dehydration causes a person to become more hungry, resulting in a higher calorie consumption throughout the day. Lack of water can even inhibit a person’s workout routine. Being fully hydrated regulates the body’s temperature and helps the muscles to work well, which in turn leads to a more productive workout. If you are hungry or experiencing a food craving, try drinking at least one full glass (or eight ounces) of water right away and you will automatically feel more full, will consume less calories and will be one glass closer to fulfilling your daily quota. A good rule of thumb is to drink ½ your body weight in water each day, up to one gallon. Then, for each diuretic you consume (and this means coffee, packaged fruit juice, soda, tea, alcoholic beverages) you need that times 1.5 to make up for the dehydrating effect it has on you. I drink a a glass of water when I wake up, then a glass of water ½ an hour before I eat then wait at least 1 ½ hours after I eat for more water, so as not to dilute any stomach acid digesting food.
3. Avoiding fat and/or choosing the wrong fats
Myth: Fat makes you fat.
Truth: You need fat to burn fat.
Fat is needed to maintain healthy liver and gallbladder function, to properly make hormones, to build cell walls, to help your body heal from injury, and it is the main fuel for muscles, including the heart muscle. A Harvard study found that fat-free dairy leads to decreased ovulation in women by 28%. You also need fat to maintain proper blood sugar levels. It helps slow absorption of food to keep you full and to get the most benefit from what you eat.
Good fats include fats that are cold pressed, unrefined, expeller-pressed, organic and extra virgin. Bad fats include hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, canola, soy and cottonseed oils. Choose organic coconut oil or butter for sautéing food. Extra virgin, organic olive oil and flax for salads, and never ever eat canola, soy or cottonseed oils. They are not natural fats meant for human consumption and the body does not recognize them as a food. Choose avocados, egg yolks from pastured chickens, and animal fat like chicken skin (yes, eat the skin when you eat the chicken, just skip the rolls, stuffing, noodles, rice, or cornbread) or beef from grass-fed animals.
4. Believing that the box on the shelf that says “Natural”, “Low fat”, or “Organic” means that it’s healthy.
If you want to be slim, it’s best to avoid food in boxes all together. These are highly processed, high in carbs, full of sodium (not sea salt, which is great stuff), and full of artificial colors and flavors. If a product needs to have artificial or even added “natural” flavors to make it taste good, then you shouldn’t be eating it. In fact, if a product needs to say something on the box to indicate that it’s healthy, that should be your first warning sign that it’s not a real food. Stick to simple ingredients and don’t be seduced by fancy “organic” packaging of food that is really in the end, just junk.
5. Eating fake, soy foods and drinking soy milk
The soy industry is a big money maker too, and they’ve caught on to the “diet” world. Soy messes with your natural hormones and can cause infertility and breast cancer in women and infertility in men. It has been linked to premature sexual development in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys. It leaches minerals from your body and contains high amounts of aluminum which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
“What about the Japanese, they eat lots of soy?” you ask? The truth is that the average consumption of soy foods in Japan and China is 10 grams (about 2 teaspoons) per day. Asians consume soy foods in small amounts as a condiment, and not as a replacement for animal foods. They also mostly consume it in it’s fermented for such as tempeh, natto and tamari, not as a meat or dairy substitute. Forget the edamame, soymilk and soy protien shakes too. Your body can not digest them and they cause even more harm than I’ve mentioned here.
6. Thinking that eating vitamins can make up for a bad diet
Supplements are just that, supplements. They can not make up for a poor diet full of bad choices, high in carbs and full of trans fats. There is a lot of money to be made in the supplement world, so those who push them will have you believe that one little green pill can make up for a whole day of poor food choices.
7. Thinking you can “work it off”
Eating a cheeseburger and fries with a coke then going to the gym won’t solve the problem. You can burn off glucose, but not insulin, which will damage your arteries and cause inflammation. You are what you eat, not what you burn off. Trans fats and nitrates don’t just “melt away” at the gym.
8. Thinking that diet programs that focus on calorie restriction work.
Diets that promise you can eat pizza and chocolate cake while still losing weight are simply wrong. The low-fat recommendations advised on many of these diets can raise blood sugar levels, which make you tired, increases food cravings and weight gain. Many popular low-carb diets encourage processed meats, which studies have shown can lead to cancer. Low-carb diets are often wrong when it comes to fat consumption (advocating canola oil for cooking) and suggest that you completely avoid all saturated fats.
9. Believing in the “Food Pyramid” and what USDA Dietitians tell you about food.
Registered Dietitians generally get a bad rap in the alternative medical and nutrition communities. After all, they are the people who serve up white bread, cereal, jello and foods fried with trans fats in school and hospital cafeterias, who help doctors enforce low-fat, low-cholesterol diet plans and advise weight loss patients to drink calorie free diet sodas. Indeed, the ADA thinks that plenty of processed, packaged and fast foods, are just fine in the context of a varied diet. As Mary Enig, PhD, MACN, is fond of saying, “Dietitians are trained to dispense processed food.”
The bulk of your diet should actually be vegetables, meats and good fats, with the cereal and breads category completely eliminated. The government is dominated by the food industry, who is mainly (you guessed it) the cereal and breads category. Focus on food that is perishable; food that you have to worry that it might go bad. That means it’s full of nutrients and is meant to be consumed. Think of school lunches – that is the food pyramid at work. Disgusting!
10. Thinking that just because you’re skinny, that means you’re healthy.
Although most Americans are indeed overweight, don’t use the scale as the only measure of health. It is entirely possible to be slim AND diabetic, have heart disease or cancer. It is entirely possible to be slim and suffer a heart attack or cancer. Superficial image isn’t everything, it’s nothing. This is a major and often disastrous cultural illusion. Diet programs designed to help you lose weight are typically focused on “low calories” to the exclusion of quality health or nutrition. They typically supply their desperate victims with empty processed foods and coddle them with empty “low-cal” and “low fat” carbohydrates and sugary treats to seduce them into their programs (“look—I can EVEN eat chocolate cake and STILL lose weight!”).
Primal Body, Primal Mind, by Nora Gedgaudas
The Perfect 10 Diet, by Dr. Michael Aziz
Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon
Diet soda is on the top of many dieters’ shopping list. However, diet soda actually can make you gain weight. The sweet taste of artificial sweeteners actually causes an insulin response in your body. Insulin is released into the blood (which is like sandpaper to your arteries, causing inflammation and disease). Meanwhile, your cells do not get any glucose as they thought. When this happens, they start screaming , “hey, where’s that glucose that I was promised”. This causes appetite stimulation and you eat more. On top of this, you have caffeine which dehydrates you. Dehydration can make you feel hungry. Caffeine also sends out a cortisol response in your body, which is more stress on your liver and causes weight gain. Phosphoric acid in soft drinks cause that tangy flavor, but also binds with calcium and can lead to decreased bone density. Your best beverage choice is water. If you like bubbles in your water, try Apollinaris or Gerolsteiner for natural minerals. They are not the most environmental choice since they’re imported, but I love the taste on special occasions.
2. Not drinking enough water.
Most Americans are dehydrated. Water helps us transport nutrients, improves cell to cell communication, lubricated the joints and empowers our healing process. Being dehydrated can actually cause you to gain weight. Water helps us to maintain a healthy weight by suppressing our appetite, reducing our body’s level of sodium and helping us to maintain muscle tone. Dehydration causes a person to become more hungry, resulting in a higher calorie consumption throughout the day. Lack of water can even inhibit a person’s workout routine. Being fully hydrated regulates the body’s temperature and helps the muscles to work well, which in turn leads to a more productive workout. If you are hungry or experiencing a food craving, try drinking at least one full glass (or eight ounces) of water right away and you will automatically feel more full, will consume less calories and will be one glass closer to fulfilling your daily quota. A good rule of thumb is to drink ½ your body weight in water each day, up to one gallon. Then, for each diuretic you consume (and this means coffee, packaged fruit juice, soda, tea, alcoholic beverages) you need that times 1.5 to make up for the dehydrating effect it has on you. I drink a a glass of water when I wake up, then a glass of water ½ an hour before I eat then wait at least 1 ½ hours after I eat for more water, so as not to dilute any stomach acid digesting food.
3. Avoiding fat and/or choosing the wrong fats
Myth: Fat makes you fat.
Truth: You need fat to burn fat.
Fat is needed to maintain healthy liver and gallbladder function, to properly make hormones, to build cell walls, to help your body heal from injury, and it is the main fuel for muscles, including the heart muscle. A Harvard study found that fat-free dairy leads to decreased ovulation in women by 28%. You also need fat to maintain proper blood sugar levels. It helps slow absorption of food to keep you full and to get the most benefit from what you eat.
Good fats include fats that are cold pressed, unrefined, expeller-pressed, organic and extra virgin. Bad fats include hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, canola, soy and cottonseed oils. Choose organic coconut oil or butter for sautéing food. Extra virgin, organic olive oil and flax for salads, and never ever eat canola, soy or cottonseed oils. They are not natural fats meant for human consumption and the body does not recognize them as a food. Choose avocados, egg yolks from pastured chickens, and animal fat like chicken skin (yes, eat the skin when you eat the chicken, just skip the rolls, stuffing, noodles, rice, or cornbread) or beef from grass-fed animals.
4. Believing that the box on the shelf that says “Natural”, “Low fat”, or “Organic” means that it’s healthy.
If you want to be slim, it’s best to avoid food in boxes all together. These are highly processed, high in carbs, full of sodium (not sea salt, which is great stuff), and full of artificial colors and flavors. If a product needs to have artificial or even added “natural” flavors to make it taste good, then you shouldn’t be eating it. In fact, if a product needs to say something on the box to indicate that it’s healthy, that should be your first warning sign that it’s not a real food. Stick to simple ingredients and don’t be seduced by fancy “organic” packaging of food that is really in the end, just junk.
5. Eating fake, soy foods and drinking soy milk
The soy industry is a big money maker too, and they’ve caught on to the “diet” world. Soy messes with your natural hormones and can cause infertility and breast cancer in women and infertility in men. It has been linked to premature sexual development in girls and delayed or retarded sexual development in boys. It leaches minerals from your body and contains high amounts of aluminum which has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
“What about the Japanese, they eat lots of soy?” you ask? The truth is that the average consumption of soy foods in Japan and China is 10 grams (about 2 teaspoons) per day. Asians consume soy foods in small amounts as a condiment, and not as a replacement for animal foods. They also mostly consume it in it’s fermented for such as tempeh, natto and tamari, not as a meat or dairy substitute. Forget the edamame, soymilk and soy protien shakes too. Your body can not digest them and they cause even more harm than I’ve mentioned here.
6. Thinking that eating vitamins can make up for a bad diet
Supplements are just that, supplements. They can not make up for a poor diet full of bad choices, high in carbs and full of trans fats. There is a lot of money to be made in the supplement world, so those who push them will have you believe that one little green pill can make up for a whole day of poor food choices.
7. Thinking you can “work it off”
Eating a cheeseburger and fries with a coke then going to the gym won’t solve the problem. You can burn off glucose, but not insulin, which will damage your arteries and cause inflammation. You are what you eat, not what you burn off. Trans fats and nitrates don’t just “melt away” at the gym.
8. Thinking that diet programs that focus on calorie restriction work.
Diets that promise you can eat pizza and chocolate cake while still losing weight are simply wrong. The low-fat recommendations advised on many of these diets can raise blood sugar levels, which make you tired, increases food cravings and weight gain. Many popular low-carb diets encourage processed meats, which studies have shown can lead to cancer. Low-carb diets are often wrong when it comes to fat consumption (advocating canola oil for cooking) and suggest that you completely avoid all saturated fats.
9. Believing in the “Food Pyramid” and what USDA Dietitians tell you about food.
Registered Dietitians generally get a bad rap in the alternative medical and nutrition communities. After all, they are the people who serve up white bread, cereal, jello and foods fried with trans fats in school and hospital cafeterias, who help doctors enforce low-fat, low-cholesterol diet plans and advise weight loss patients to drink calorie free diet sodas. Indeed, the ADA thinks that plenty of processed, packaged and fast foods, are just fine in the context of a varied diet. As Mary Enig, PhD, MACN, is fond of saying, “Dietitians are trained to dispense processed food.”
The bulk of your diet should actually be vegetables, meats and good fats, with the cereal and breads category completely eliminated. The government is dominated by the food industry, who is mainly (you guessed it) the cereal and breads category. Focus on food that is perishable; food that you have to worry that it might go bad. That means it’s full of nutrients and is meant to be consumed. Think of school lunches – that is the food pyramid at work. Disgusting!
10. Thinking that just because you’re skinny, that means you’re healthy.
Although most Americans are indeed overweight, don’t use the scale as the only measure of health. It is entirely possible to be slim AND diabetic, have heart disease or cancer. It is entirely possible to be slim and suffer a heart attack or cancer. Superficial image isn’t everything, it’s nothing. This is a major and often disastrous cultural illusion. Diet programs designed to help you lose weight are typically focused on “low calories” to the exclusion of quality health or nutrition. They typically supply their desperate victims with empty processed foods and coddle them with empty “low-cal” and “low fat” carbohydrates and sugary treats to seduce them into their programs (“look—I can EVEN eat chocolate cake and STILL lose weight!”).
Primal Body, Primal Mind, by Nora Gedgaudas
The Perfect 10 Diet, by Dr. Michael Aziz
Nourishing Traditions, by Sally Fallon
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Why you matter enough to face the pain...
You matter. Period. Somewhere along the lines of our lives we believe we don’t, at least not “that” much anyway.
Some of us have parents who tell us we matter, some are not so lucky. But shortly, we learn we are only as valuable as what we can accomplish. School tells us we matter if we get the best grades. Sports tell us we matter if we can beat the other guy. Our friends and peers tell us we matter if we can somehow be cooler than everyone else.
And we always fall short, don’t we? There is always someone smarter, someone more athletic, and someone just cooler than all of us. And in this wild ride of becoming who we are today, we forget that we matter. We try our best to recreate our own importance; through our efforts and tribulations we strive to hear from others the validation that we have worth, that we are valuable and important, that we matter.
We stack rank ourselves against everyone on a hierarchical ladder we make up based on a value system of intrinsic worth that we piecemeal together from various life experiences, of which we define through other paradigms and life experiences, many of which we simply witness and somehow believe to be God’s given truth.
Basically, it’s all made up shit we’ve come to believe, accept, and allow to run our lives. It’s a worldview we live our lives by, controlled absolutely by paradigms we don’t even know are controlling us.
Well, in all that bleakness and confusion surrounding our “real” selves, there is a ray of hope. There is a way to begin to unearth and behold your intrinsic value. It will take work, but it will be worth it.
During your next CrossFit workout, I want you to go deep. I want you to pour out yourself and take your mind and body to the point where the only sound is the thumping of your rapid heartbeat and the roar of your burning lungs. That place where the voices of doubt, self-loathing and fear, begin to get stripped back and drowned out and that small whisper of your true self can be heard. I want you to go there and find your self again.
And in that moment, in that space of pain and exhaustion, you will find that you are worth the pain. You will see that you are worth going through that pain and that on the other side, you are worthy and capable of achieving amazing things. You may even PR the workout, or not. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that through that blackness you get to rediscover that you are worth it. You are worth the pain to become the person you are destined to be. You get to remember that you have a burning sun inside your body and mind, an unlimited power built inside you screaming for release.
You are worth more than a mediocre life with mediocre results. You are worth more than a paycheck, a balance sheet, or someone else’s opinion. You are worth the pain.
It’s my hope for you that you will have the chance to meet that person the next time you CrossFit. The “real” you. The “you” that is filled with an indomitable will and ability, the “you” that can take on anything, and the “you” that is worth all the success, all the passion, and all the love this life has to offer.
It’s all yours and it’s all possible with just one little dive into the heart of pain.
thank you Alec Hanson, the CrossFit Gamer
Some of us have parents who tell us we matter, some are not so lucky. But shortly, we learn we are only as valuable as what we can accomplish. School tells us we matter if we get the best grades. Sports tell us we matter if we can beat the other guy. Our friends and peers tell us we matter if we can somehow be cooler than everyone else.
And we always fall short, don’t we? There is always someone smarter, someone more athletic, and someone just cooler than all of us. And in this wild ride of becoming who we are today, we forget that we matter. We try our best to recreate our own importance; through our efforts and tribulations we strive to hear from others the validation that we have worth, that we are valuable and important, that we matter.
We stack rank ourselves against everyone on a hierarchical ladder we make up based on a value system of intrinsic worth that we piecemeal together from various life experiences, of which we define through other paradigms and life experiences, many of which we simply witness and somehow believe to be God’s given truth.
Basically, it’s all made up shit we’ve come to believe, accept, and allow to run our lives. It’s a worldview we live our lives by, controlled absolutely by paradigms we don’t even know are controlling us.
Well, in all that bleakness and confusion surrounding our “real” selves, there is a ray of hope. There is a way to begin to unearth and behold your intrinsic value. It will take work, but it will be worth it.
During your next CrossFit workout, I want you to go deep. I want you to pour out yourself and take your mind and body to the point where the only sound is the thumping of your rapid heartbeat and the roar of your burning lungs. That place where the voices of doubt, self-loathing and fear, begin to get stripped back and drowned out and that small whisper of your true self can be heard. I want you to go there and find your self again.
And in that moment, in that space of pain and exhaustion, you will find that you are worth the pain. You will see that you are worth going through that pain and that on the other side, you are worthy and capable of achieving amazing things. You may even PR the workout, or not. It doesn’t really matter. What matters is that through that blackness you get to rediscover that you are worth it. You are worth the pain to become the person you are destined to be. You get to remember that you have a burning sun inside your body and mind, an unlimited power built inside you screaming for release.
You are worth more than a mediocre life with mediocre results. You are worth more than a paycheck, a balance sheet, or someone else’s opinion. You are worth the pain.
It’s my hope for you that you will have the chance to meet that person the next time you CrossFit. The “real” you. The “you” that is filled with an indomitable will and ability, the “you” that can take on anything, and the “you” that is worth all the success, all the passion, and all the love this life has to offer.
It’s all yours and it’s all possible with just one little dive into the heart of pain.
thank you Alec Hanson, the CrossFit Gamer
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Awesome week CrossFitter's!
CrossFit Cindy
20min AMRAP
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Air Squat
AB 10 rounds (15min)
AJ 15 rounds
AL 14 rounds
DB 12 rounds
EK 16 rounds
JD 12 rounds
JG 15 rounds
JH 7 rounds (15min)
KM 9 rounds (15min)
20 Back Squat 225/155lbs
40 Knee's to Elbows
60 KB Swings 24/16k
AJ 9.13 (135,24k)
DB 10.42 (65,16k)
JD 8.46 (45,16k)
JG 12.09 (85,24k)
Full credit to the rest of you that did a version of the above, Great Work!
This week;
Buy in; 3 sets of 8 Ring Dips
21 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
18 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
15 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
12 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
Buy in; 3 sets of 20 Knee's to Elbows
5 Rounds for Time
5 Power Clean 135/75lbs
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 KB Swings 24/16k
3, 2, 1... GO!
CrossFit Cindy
20min AMRAP
5 Pull-up
10 Push-up
15 Air Squat
AB 10 rounds (15min)
AJ 15 rounds
AL 14 rounds
DB 12 rounds
EK 16 rounds
JD 12 rounds
JG 15 rounds
JH 7 rounds (15min)
KM 9 rounds (15min)
20 Back Squat 225/155lbs
40 Knee's to Elbows
60 KB Swings 24/16k
AJ 9.13 (135,24k)
DB 10.42 (65,16k)
JD 8.46 (45,16k)
JG 12.09 (85,24k)
Full credit to the rest of you that did a version of the above, Great Work!
This week;
Buy in; 3 sets of 8 Ring Dips
21 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
18 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
15 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
12 Deadlift 225/155lbs
400m Run
Buy in; 3 sets of 20 Knee's to Elbows
5 Rounds for Time
5 Power Clean 135/75lbs
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 KB Swings 24/16k
3, 2, 1... GO!
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