Have you been taking your fish oil?
I've been known to ask this question. Some of you instantly reply that 'Why Yes Paul, I take 2.5 grams of Omega 3's in fish oil every day'. Others of you look at me a bit puzzled and reply 'Can I get that at GNC?'
I thought I would take a moment to tell you what supplements I am taking, and why. I'm not trying to suggest that they'll cut your Fran time in half, but they do support my efforts to be in the best shape of my life...
Flax Seed Oil and EICO Zone Fish Oil - Omega 3 fatty acids; The benefits of Omega 3's include reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke, while helping to reduce the symptoms of high blood pressure, depression, ADHD, joint pain, and other conditions linked to inflamation. The last bit about reducing inflamation is critical as some experts feel that our most serious diseases are rooted in "silent inflamation". Google this term for a ton of information... Between the two Oils pictured, I spend about $1.00 a day and target 2.5 grams of Omega 3's.
Glucosamine - Condroitin; I take this combination to support joint and bone health. Glucosamine and Condroitin are 2 of the major components of cartilage, and cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones. The research is mixed, but I have found that I have less pain in my knees since I began taking it. Cost = about .50 per day.
Cal, Mag, Zinc; I take a daily mineral suppliment of calcium, magnesium and zinc. Although my diet is rich in green veggies, studies show that many people/athletes are deficient in these important minerals. Did you know that over 300 of our bodies enzimes require sufficient amounts of magnesium to perform their function? And that all the enzimes involved in the synthisis of ATP require it? ATP is the fuel that makes our muscles function. The cost of this suppliment is about $0.05 per day.