Sunday, November 13, 2011

"We are either progressing or retrograding all the while; there is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life."
- James Freeman Clarke

Congratulations to everyone who completed last week's WOD!

Row 300m
20 Push Press
Row 300m
15 Push Press
Row 300m
10 Push Press
Row 300m
5 Push Press

AB 12.21
AF 11.33
AJ 13.45
AL 10.26
AM 13.59
DB 12.44
EK 12.23
GB 9.26
GD 12.13
JH 14.49
JD 11.12
JL 12.12
KM 15.18
MB 12.02
MK 15.35
YJ 12.31

CrossFit "Nancy"
5 Rounds for Time;
15 OH Squat 95/65lbs
400m Run

AJ 14.25 (75)
AL 21.00 (95)
DB 17.07 (65 Rx)
ED 17.12 (75)