Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving WOD Warriors;


"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Last week's results;

WOD #1
CrossFit Christine
3 rounds for time
500m Row
12 Deadlift (at your body weight)
21 Box Jump 24/20"

As Rx;
AJ 11.44 *PR
AL 17.32 *PR
AB 13.33 *PR
AM 20.18
CL 14.36
EK 13.18
GB 14.53
JL 17.53
JH 19.46
KM 17.07
MB 15.13
YJ 13.17

WOD #2
Thanksgiving WOD
(50min time cap)

1 mile run
5 rounds of Cindy
25 Power Clean
5 rounds of Cindy
1000m row
5 rounds of Cindy
25 Power Clean
5 rounds of Cindy
1 mile run

Awesome Job by;

AJ thru .79 of final mile run
AL thru 3rd round of Cindy in 35min
AM thru 3rd round of Cindy
CL thru 15 2nd set of Cleans
MB thru final round of Cindy

Sunday, November 20, 2011

KM and AJ Rock 'CrossFit Helen'

"What counts in sports is not the victory, but the magnificence of the struggle."
- Joe Paterno

WOD #1
20min AMRAP
10 Power Clean 135/95lbs
10 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
10 Toes to Bar

AF 5 rounds + 3
AJ 7 rounds
AL 5 rounds + 10
ED 5 rounds + 3
EK 6 rounds + 21

AB 6 rounds + 4
MB 5 rounds + 13

AM 2 rounds + 20
JH 3 rounds + 10
KM 3 rounds + 1

WOD #2
CrossFit Helen
3 Rounds for Time;
400m Run
21 KB Swings 24/16k
12 Pull-ups

AB 13.12 *PR
AJ 10.49 *PR
AL 16.12
AM 17.18
CL 13.57
GB 14.48
GD 18.02
KM 12.38 *PR
MB 16.03
YJ 13.02 *PR

*PR = Personal Record

Sunday, November 13, 2011

"We are either progressing or retrograding all the while; there is no such thing as remaining stationary in this life."
- James Freeman Clarke

Congratulations to everyone who completed last week's WOD!

Row 300m
20 Push Press
Row 300m
15 Push Press
Row 300m
10 Push Press
Row 300m
5 Push Press

AB 12.21
AF 11.33
AJ 13.45
AL 10.26
AM 13.59
DB 12.44
EK 12.23
GB 9.26
GD 12.13
JH 14.49
JD 11.12
JL 12.12
KM 15.18
MB 12.02
MK 15.35
YJ 12.31

CrossFit "Nancy"
5 Rounds for Time;
15 OH Squat 95/65lbs
400m Run

AJ 14.25 (75)
AL 21.00 (95)
DB 17.07 (65 Rx)
ED 17.12 (75)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret."
- Jim Rohn

Last weeks results;

5 Rounds for Time;
400m Run
15 Box Jump
30 Ab Mat Sit-ups

AB 13.57 (3x)
AJ 17.17
AL 25.22
CL 21.43
DB 23.32
DB 18.45
DL 24.38
EK 24.54
GB 21.30 (4x)
JD 25.08
JH 19.36 (4x)
JL 27.33
KM 30.36
MB 21.13
YJ 18.12