I'm a bit slow in posting, but it's been a busy week for me; a full training schedule, my own workouts and studying for a CrossFit Certification being held this weekend.
Last week we did a modified version of the CrossFit Eva workout;
3 rounds for time;
800m Run
30 KB Swings 24/16k
30 Pull-ups
"ID" taking a break after "Eva"

Here are the results;
AB 27.00
DB 30.51
EK 22.22
JD 27.37
JG 37.12
JH 28.08
ID 30.33
KM 25.08
MM 34.47
YR 27.09
This week we worked on 2 amazing circuits;
CrossFit Jerry
1 mile Run
2,000m Row
1 mile Run
5 rounds for time;
500m Row
25 KB Swings 16/12k
25 Wall Ball 10lbs
3, 2, 1... GO!